1. Module (chicken base)
    1. Numeric predicates
      1. fixnum?
      2. flonum?
      3. bignum?
      4. exact-integer?
      5. cplxnum?
      6. ratnum?
      7. nan?
      8. infinite?
      9. finite?
      10. equal=?
    2. Arithmetic
      1. add1/sub1
      2. exact-integer-nth-root
      3. Division with quotient and remainder
      4. signum
    3. Weak pairs
      1. weak-cons
    4. Input/Output
      1. current-error-port
      2. print
      3. print*
    5. Interrupts and error-handling
      1. enable-warnings
      2. error
      3. assert
      4. get-call-chain
      5. print-call-chain
      6. procedure-information
      7. warning
    6. Lists
      1. alist-ref
      2. alist-update
      3. atom?
      4. butlast
      5. chop
      6. compress
      7. flatten
      8. foldl
      9. foldr
      10. intersperse
      11. join
      12. rassoc
      13. tail?
    7. Vectors
      1. vector-resize
      2. subvector
    8. Combinators
      1. constantly
      2. complement
      3. compose
      4. conjoin
      5. disjoin
      6. each
      7. flip
      8. identity
      9. list-of?
      10. o
    9. UNICODE case folding
      1. char-foldcase
      2. string-foldcase
    10. User-defined named characters
      1. char-name
    11. The unspecified value
      1. void
    12. Continuations
      1. call/cc
    13. Symbols
      1. Symbol utilities
        1. symbol-append
      2. Uninterned symbols ("gensyms")
        1. gensym
        2. string->uninterned-symbol
    14. Setters
      1. setter
      2. getter-with-setter
    15. Binding forms for optional arguments
      1. optional
      2. let-optionals
      3. let-optionals*
    16. Other binding forms
      1. and-let*
      2. letrec*
      3. rec
      4. cut
      5. define-values
      6. fluid-let
      7. let-values
      8. let*-values
      9. letrec-values
      10. receive
      11. set!-values
      12. nth-value
    17. Substitution forms and macros
      1. define-constant
      2. define-inline
    18. Conditional forms
      1. unless
      2. when
    19. Record structures
      1. define-record
        1. SRFI-17 setters
      2. define-record-type
      3. record-printer
      4. set-record-printer!
    20. Other forms
      1. load
      2. include
      3. include-relative
    21. Making extra libraries and extensions available
      1. require-extension
      2. require-library
    22. Process shutdown
      1. emergency-exit
      2. exit
    23. exit-handler
    24. implicit-exit-handler
      1. on-exit
    25. System interface
      1. sleep
    26. File Input/Output
      1. flush-output
    27. Port predicates
      1. port-closed?
    28. Built-in parameters
      1. case-sensitive
      2. keyword-style
      3. parentheses-synonyms
      4. symbol-escape

Module (chicken base)

Core procedures and macros, acting as basic extensions to the R7RS standard and other essential features.

This module is used by default, unless a program is compiled with the -explicit-use option.

Numeric predicates

These allow you to make a more precise differentiation between number types and their properties, not provided by R7RS.


[procedure] (fixnum? X)

Returns #t if X is a fixnum, or #f otherwise.


[procedure] (flonum? X)

Returns #t if X is a flonum, or #f otherwise.


[procedure] (bignum? X)

Returns #t if X is a bignum (integer larger than fits in a fixnum), or #f otherwise.


[procedure] (exact-integer? X)

Returns #t if X is an exact integer (i.e., a fixnum or a bignum), or #f otherwise.

This procedure is compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme base) library.


[procedure] (cplxnum? X)

Returns #t if X is a true complex number (it has an imaginary component), or #f otherwise.

Please note that complex? will always return #t for any number type supported by CHICKEN, so you can use this predicate if you want to know the representational type of a number.


[procedure] (ratnum? X)

Returns #t if X is a true rational number (it is a fraction with a denominator that's not 1), or #f otherwise.

Please note that rational? will always return #t for any number type supported by CHICKEN except complex numbers and non-finite flonums, so you can use this predicate if you want to know the representational type of a number.


[procedure] (nan? N)

Returns #t if N is not a number (a IEEE flonum NaN-value). If N is a complex number, it's considered nan if it has a real or imaginary component that's nan.

This procedure is compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme inexact) library.


[procedure] (infinite? N)

Returns #t if N is negative or positive infinity, and #f otherwise. If N is a complex number, it's considered infinite if it has a real or imaginary component that's infinite.

This procedure is compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme inexact) library.


[procedure] (finite? N)

Returns #t if N represents a finite number and #f otherwise. Positive and negative infinity as well as NaNs are not considered finite. If N is a complex number, it's considered finite if both the real and imaginary components are finite.

This procedure is compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme inexact) library.


[procedure] (equal=? X y)

Similar to the standard procedure equal?, but compares numbers using the = operator, so equal=? allows structural comparison in combination with comparison of numerical data by value.



[procedure] (add1 N)
[procedure] (sub1 N)

Adds/subtracts 1 from N.


[procedure] (exact-integer-nth-root K N)

Like exact-integer-sqrt, but with any base value. Calculates \sqrt[N]{K}, the Nth root of K and returns two values s and r where s^N + r = K and K < (s+1)^N.

Division with quotient and remainder

[procedure] (quotient&remainder X Y)
[procedure] (quotient&modulo X Y)

Returns two values: the quotient and the remainder (or modulo) of X divided by Y. Could be defined as (values (quotient X Y) (remainder X Y)), but is much more efficient when dividing very large numbers.


[procedure] (signum N)

For real numbers, returns 1 if N is positive, -1 if N is negative or 0 if N is zero. signum is exactness preserving.

For complex numbers, returns a complex number of the same angle but with magnitude 1.

Weak pairs

Weak pairs behave identically to regular pairs, with one exception: the car value may be garbage collected. When that happens, it gets replaced with a sentinel "broken-weak-pointer" value.

They are indistinguishable from regular pairs: car, cdr, etc all work on them, pair? returns true, etc. The WRITE representation is identical to regular pairs, so they will be read back as pairs. In other words, they have no read/write invariance.

They're the same as regular pairs for all intents and purposes. However, there's a weak-pair? predicate which can distinguish between regular pairs and weak pairs.

NOTE: Due to internal limitations, set-car! on a weak pair currently may cause it to hold onto the value for one more GC cycle in some situations.


[procedure] (weak-cons obj[1] obj[2])

Returns a newly allocated weak pair whose car is obj[1] and whose cdr is obj[2]. The pair is indistinguishable from normal pairs, except as noted above.

(weak-cons 'a '())                   ===>  (a)
(weak-cons '(a) '(b c d))            ===>  ((a) b c d)
(weak-cons "a" '(b c))               ===>  ("a" b c)
(weak-cons 'a 3)                     ===>  (a . 3)
(weak-cons '(a b) 'c)                ===>  ((a b) . c)

(import (chicken gc))

(let* ((x '(a b))
       (y (weak-cons x 'c)))
  (gc #t)
  (car x))                           ===> (a b)

(let ((x (weak-cons '(a b) 'c)))
  (gc #t)
  (car x))                           ===>  #!bwp

As the final two examples show, when something else still holds on to the value that's stored in the car of a weak pair, it will not be reclaimed. But if the value is only referenced by one or more weak pairs, it is reclaimed and the car of the weak pair is replaced with the broken-weak-pointer value #!bwp.

[procedure] (weak-pair? obj)

This predicate returns #t if and only if obj is a weak pair.

(weak-pair? (weak-cons 'a '()))      ===>  #t
(weak-pair? (cons 'a '()))           ===>  #f
(weak-pair? (vector 'a '()))         ===>  #f
[procedure] (bwp-object? obj)

This predicate returns #t if obj is the broken-weak-pointer value, otherwise #f.



[procedure] (current-error-port [PORT])

Returns default error output port. If PORT is given, then that port is selected as the new current error output port.

Note that the default error output port is not buffered. Use set-buffering-mode! if you need a different behaviour.


[procedure] (print [EXP1 ...])

Outputs the optional arguments EXP1 ... using display and writes a newline character to the port that is the value of (current-output-port). Returns (void).


[procedure] (print* [EXP1 ...])

Similar to print, but does not output a terminating newline character and performs a flush-output after writing its arguments.

Interrupts and error-handling


[procedure] (enable-warnings [BOOL])

Enables or disables warnings, depending on wether BOOL is true or false. If called with no arguments, this procedure returns #t if warnings are currently enabled, or #f otherwise. Note that this is not a parameter. The current state (whether warnings are enabled or disabled) is global and not thread-local.


[procedure] (error [LOCATION] [STRING] EXP ...)

Prints error message, writes all extra arguments to the value of (current-error-port) and invokes the current exception-handler. This conforms to SRFI-23. If LOCATION is given and a symbol, it specifies the location (the name of the procedure) where the error occurred.


[syntax] (assert EXP [OBJ ...])

Evaluates EXP, if it returns #f, applies error on OBJ .... When compiling in unsafe mode, assertions of this kind are disabled.


[procedure] (get-call-chain [START [THREAD]])

Returns a list with the call history. Backtrace information is only generated in code compiled without -no-trace and evaluated code. If the optional argument START is given, the backtrace starts at this offset, i.e. when START is 1, the next to last trace-entry is printed, and so on. If the optional argument THREAD is given, then the call-chain will only be constructed for calls performed by this thread.

[procedure] (print-call-chain [PORT [START [THREAD [HEADER]]]])

Prints a backtrace of the procedure call history to PORT, which defaults to (current-output-port). The output is prefixed by the HEADER, which defaults to "\n\tCall history:\n".


[procedure] (procedure-information PROC)

Returns an s-expression with debug information for the procedure PROC, or #f, if PROC has no associated debug information.


[procedure] (warning MESSAGE [EXP ...])

Displays a warning message (if warnings are enabled with enable-warnings), from the MESSAGE, and optional EXP arguments, then continues execution. MESSAGE, and EXP, may be any object.



[procedure] (alist-ref KEY ALIST [TEST [DEFAULT]])

Looks up KEY in ALIST using TEST as the comparison function (or eqv? if no test was given) and returns the cdr of the found pair, or DEFAULT (which defaults to #f).


[procedure] (alist-update KEY VALUE ALIST [TEST])
[procedure] (alist-update! KEY VALUE ALIST [TEST])

If the list ALIST contains a pair of the form (KEY . X), then this procedure replaces X with VALUE and returns ALIST. If ALIST contains no such item, then alist-update returns ((KEY . VALUE) . ALIST). The optional argument TEST specifies the comparison procedure to search a matching pair in ALIST and defaults to eqv?. alist-update! is the destructive version of alist-update.


[procedure] (atom? X)

Returns #t if X is not a pair.


[procedure] (butlast LIST)

Returns a fresh list with all elements but the last of LIST.


[procedure] (chop LIST N)

Returns a new list of sublists, where each sublist contains N elements of LIST. If LIST has a length that is not a multiple of N, then the last sublist contains the remaining elements.

(chop '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 2) ==> ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
(chop '(a b c d) 3)     ==> ((a b c) (d))


[procedure] (compress BLIST LIST)

Returns a new list with elements taken from LIST with corresponding true values in the list BLIST.

(define nums '(99 100 110 401 1234))
(compress (map odd? nums) nums)      ==> (99 401)


[procedure] (flatten LIST1 ...)

Returns LIST1 ... concatenated together, with nested lists removed (flattened).


[procedure] (foldl PROCEDURE INIT LIST)

Applies PROCEDURE to the elements from LIST, beginning from the left:

(foldl + 0 '(1 2 3))    ==>    (+ (+ (+ 0 1) 2) 3)

Note that the order of arguments taken by PROCEDURE is different from the SRFI-1 fold procedure, but matches the more natural order used in Haskell and Objective Caml.


[procedure] (foldr PROCEDURE INIT LIST)

Applies PROCEDURE to the elements from LIST, beginning from the right:

(foldr + 0 '(1 2 3))    ==>    (+ 1 (+ 2 (+ 3 0)))


[procedure] (intersperse LIST X)

Returns a new list with X placed between each element.


[procedure] (join LISTOFLISTS [LIST])

Concatenates the lists in LISTOFLISTS with LIST placed between each sublist. LIST defaults to the empty list.

(join '((a b) (c d) (e)) '(x y)) ==> (a b x y c d x y e)
(join '((p q) () (r (s) t)) '(-))  ==> (p q - - r (s) t)

join could be implemented as follows:

(define (join lstoflsts #!optional (lst '()))
  (apply append (intersperse lstoflists lst)) )


[procedure] (rassoc KEY LIST [TEST])

Similar to assoc, but compares KEY with the cdr of each pair in LIST using TEST as the comparison procedures (which defaults to eqv?.


[procedure] (tail? X LIST)

Returns true if X is one of the tails (cdr's) of LIST.



[procedure] (vector-resize VECTOR N [INIT])

Creates and returns a new vector with the contents of VECTOR and length N. If N is greater than the original length of VECTOR, then all additional items are initialized to INIT. If INIT is not specified, the contents are initialized to some unspecified value.


[procedure] (subvector VECTOR FROM [TO])

Returns a new vector with elements taken from VECTOR in the given range. TO defaults to (vector-length VECTOR).

subvector was introduced in CHICKEN 4.7.3.



[procedure] (constantly X ...)

Returns a procedure that always returns the values X ... regardless of the number and value of its arguments.

(constantly X) <=> (lambda args X)


[procedure] (complement PROC)

Returns a procedure that returns the boolean inverse of PROC.

(complement PROC) <=> (lambda (x) (not (PROC x)))


[procedure] (compose PROC1 PROC2 ...)

Returns a procedure that represents the composition of the argument-procedures PROC1 PROC2 ....

(compose F G) <=> (lambda args
                         (lambda () (apply G args))

(compose) is equivalent to values.


[procedure] (conjoin PRED ...)

Returns a procedure that returns #t if its argument satisfies the predicates PRED ....

((conjoin odd? positive?) 33)   ==>  #t
((conjoin odd? positive?) -33)  ==>  #f


[procedure] (disjoin PRED ...)

Returns a procedure that returns #t if its argument satisfies any predicate PRED ....

((disjoin odd? positive?) 32)    ==>  #t
((disjoin odd? positive?) -32)   ==>  #f


[procedure] (each PROC ...)

Returns a procedure that applies PROC ... to its arguments, and returns the result(s) of the last procedure application. For example

(each pp eval)

is equivalent to

(lambda args 
  (apply pp args)
  (apply eval args) )

(each PROC) is equivalent to PROC and (each) is equivalent to void.


[procedure] (flip PROC)

Returns a two-argument procedure that calls PROC with its arguments swapped:

(flip PROC) <=> (lambda (x y) (PROC y x))


[procedure] (identity X)

Returns its sole argument X.


[procedure] (list-of? PRED)

Returns a procedure of one argument that returns #t when applied to a list of elements that all satisfy the predicate procedure PRED, or #f otherwise.

((list-of? even?) '(1 2 3))   ==> #f
((list-of? number?) '(1 2 3)) ==> #t


[procedure] (o PROC ...)

A single value version of compose (slightly faster). (o) is equivalent to identity.

UNICODE case folding


[procedure] (char-foldcase CHAR)

Performs simple UNICODE case folding to CHAR, language-specific mappings are not used.


[procedure] (string-foldcase STRING)

Performs UNICODE case folding to STRING, language-specific mappings are not used. The resulting string may be longer than the original string.

User-defined named characters


[procedure] (char-name SYMBOL-OR-CHAR [CHAR])

This procedure can be used to inquire about character names or to define new ones. With a single argument the behavior is as follows: If SYMBOL-OR-CHAR is a symbol, then char-name returns the character with this name, or #f if no character is defined under this name. If SYMBOL-OR-CHAR is a character, then the name of the character is returned as a symbol, or #f if the character has no associated name.

If the optional argument CHAR is provided, then SYMBOL-OR-CHAR should be a symbol that will be the new name of the given character. If multiple names designate the same character, then the write will use the character name that was defined last.

(char-name 'space)                  ==> #\space
(char-name #\space)                 ==> space
(char-name 'bell)                   ==> #f
(char-name (integer->char 7))       ==> #f
(char-name 'bell (integer->char 7))
(char-name 'bell)                   ==> #\bell
(char->integer (char-name 'bell))   ==> 7

The unspecified value


[procedure] (void ARGUMENT ...)

Ignores ARGUMENT ... and returns an unspecified value.



[procedure] (call/cc PROCEDURE)

An alias for call-with-current-continuation.

This procedure is compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme base) library.


Symbol utilities

[procedure] (symbol-append SYMBOL1 ...)

Creates a new symbol from the concatenated names of the argument symbols (SYMBOL1 ...).

Uninterned symbols ("gensyms")

Symbols may be "interned" or "uninterned". Interned symbols are registered in a global table, and when read back from a port are identical to a symbol written before:

(define sym 'foo)

(eq? sym (with-input-from-string
              (lambda () (write sym)))

  => #t

Uninterned symbols on the other hand are not globally registered and so multiple symbols with the same name may coexist:

(define sym (gensym 'foo))   ; sym is a uninterned symbol like "foo42"

(eq? sym (with-input-from-string    ; the symbol read will be an interned symbol
              (lambda () (write sym)))

  => #f

(eq? (string->uninterned-symbol "foo") (string->uninterned-symbol "foo"))

  => #f

Use uninterned symbols if you need to generate unique values that can be compared quickly, for example as keys into a hash-table or association list. Note that uninterned symbols lose their uniqueness property when written to a file and read back in, as in the example above.

[procedure] (gensym [STRING-OR-SYMBOL])

Returns a newly created uninterned symbol. If an argument is provided, the new symbol is prefixed with that argument.

[procedure] (string->uninterned-symbol STRING)

Returns a newly created, unique symbol with the name STRING.


SRFI-17 is fully implemented. For more information see: SRFI-17.


[procedure] (setter PROCEDURE)

Returns the setter-procedure of PROCEDURE, or signals an error if PROCEDURE has no associated setter-procedure.

Note that (set! (setter PROC) ...) for a procedure that has no associated setter procedure yet is a very slow operation (the old procedure is replaced by a modified copy, which involves a garbage collection).


[procedure] (getter-with-setter GETTER SETTER)

Returns a copy of the procedure GETTER with the associated setter procedure SETTER. Contrary to the SRFI specification, the setter of the returned procedure may be changed.

Binding forms for optional arguments


[syntax] (optional ARGS DEFAULT)

Use this form for procedures that take a single optional argument. If ARGS is the empty list DEFAULT is evaluated and returned, otherwise the first element of the list ARGS. It is an error if ARGS contains more than one value.

(define (incr x . i) (+ x (optional i 1)))
(incr 10)                                   ==> 11
(incr 12 5)                                 ==> 17


[syntax] (let-optionals ARGS ((VAR1 DEFAULT1) ...) BODY ...)

Binding constructs for optional procedure arguments. ARGS is normally a rest-parameter taken from a lambda-list. let-optionals binds VAR1 ... to available arguments in parallel, or to DEFAULT1 ... if not enough arguments were provided. let-optionals* binds VAR1 ... sequentially, so every variable sees the previous ones. it is an error if any excess arguments are provided.

(let-optionals '(one two) ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
  (list a b c) )                               ==> (one two 3)


[syntax] (let-optionals* ARGS ((VAR1 DEFAULT1) ... [RESTVAR]) BODY ...)

Binding constructs for optional procedure arguments. ARGS is normally a rest-parameter taken from a lambda-list. let-optionals binds VAR1 ... to available arguments in parallel, or to DEFAULT1 ... if not enough arguments were provided. let-optionals* binds VAR1 ... sequentially, so every variable sees the previous ones. If a single variable RESTVAR is given, then it is bound to any remaining arguments, otherwise it is an error if any excess arguments are provided.

(let-optionals* '(one two) ((a 1) (b 2) (c a))
  (list a b c) )                               ==> (one two one)

Other binding forms


[syntax] (and-let* (BINDING ...) EXP1 EXP2 ...)

Bind sequentially and execute body. BINDING can be a list of a variable and an expression, a list with a single expression, or a single variable. If the value of an expression bound to a variable is #f, the and-let* form evaluates to #f (and the subsequent bindings and the body are not executed). Otherwise the next binding is performed. If all bindings/expressions evaluate to a true result, the body is executed normally and the result of the last expression is the result of the and-let* form. See also the documentation for SRFI-2.


[syntax] (letrec* ((VARIABLE EXPRESSION) ...) BODY ...)

Implements R6RS/R7RS letrec*. letrec* is similar to letrec but binds the variables sequentially and is to letrec what let* is to let.

This special form is compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme base) library.


[syntax] (rec NAME EXPRESSION)
[syntax] (rec (NAME VARIABLE ...) BODY ...)

Allows simple definition of recursive definitions. (rec NAME EXPRESSION) is equivalent to (letrec ((NAME EXPRESSION)) NAME) and (rec (NAME VARIABLE ...) BODY ...) is the same as (letrec ((NAME (lambda (VARIABLE ...) BODY ...))) NAME).


[syntax] (cut SLOT ...)
[syntax] (cute SLOT ...)

Syntactic sugar for specializing parameters.


[syntax] (define-values (NAME ...) VALUEEXP)
[syntax] (define-values (NAME1 ... NAMEn . NAMEn+1) VALUEEXP)
[syntax] (define-values NAME VALUEEXP)

Defines several variables at once, with the result values of expression VALUEEXP, similar to set!-values.

This special form is compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme base) library.


[syntax] (fluid-let ((VAR1 X1) ...) BODY ...)

Binds the variables VAR1 ... dynamically to the values X1 ... during execution of BODY .... This implements SRFI-15.


[syntax] (let-values (((NAME ...) VALUEEXP) ...) BODY ...)

Binds multiple variables to the result values of VALUEEXP .... All variables are bound simultaneously. Like define-values, the (NAME ...) expression can be any basic lambda list (dotted tail notation is supported).

This special form implements SRFI-11, and it is also compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme base) library.


[syntax] (let*-values (((NAME ...) VALUEEXP) ...) BODY ...)

Binds multiple variables to the result values of VALUEEXP .... The variables are bound sequentially. Like let-values, the (NAME ...) expression can be any basic lambda list (dotted tail notation is supported).

This is also part of SRFI-11 and is also compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme base) library.

(let*-values (((a b) (values 2 3))
              ((p) (+ a b)) )
  p)                               ==> 5


[syntax] (letrec-values (((NAME ...) VALUEEXP) ...) BODY ...)

Binds the result values of VALUEEXP ... to multiple variables at once. All variables are mutually recursive. Like let-values, the (NAME ...) expression can be any basic lambda list (dotted tail notation is supported).

(letrec-values (((odd even)
                     (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) #f (even (sub1 n))))
                     (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) #t (odd (sub1 n)))) ) ) )
  (odd 17) )                           ==> #t


[syntax] (receive (NAME ...) VALUEEXP BODY ...)
[syntax] (receive (NAME1 ... NAMEn . NAMEn+1) VALUEEXP BODY ...)
[syntax] (receive NAME VALUEEXP BODY ...)
[syntax] (receive VALUEEXP)

SRFI-8. Syntactic sugar for call-with-values. Binds variables to the result values of VALUEEXP and evaluates BODY ..., similar define-values but lexically scoped.

(receive VALUEEXP) is equivalent to (receive _ VALUEEXP _). This shortened form is not described by SRFI-8.


[syntax] (set!-values (NAME ...) VALUEEXP)
[syntax] (set!-values (NAME1 ... NAMEn . NAMEn+1) VALUEEXP)
[syntax] (set!-values NAME VALUEEXP)

Assigns the result values of expression VALUEEXP to multiple variables, similar to define-values.


[syntax] (nth-value N EXP)

Returns the Nth value (counting from zero) of the values returned by expression EXP.

Substitution forms and macros


[syntax] (define-constant NAME CONST)

Defines a variable with a constant value, evaluated at compile-time. Any reference to such a constant should appear textually after its definition. This construct is equivalent to define when evaluated or interpreted. Constant definitions should only appear at toplevel. Note that constants are local to the current compilation unit and are not available outside of the source file in which they are defined. Names of constants still exist in the Scheme namespace and can be lexically shadowed. If the value is mutable, then the compiler is careful to preserve its identity. CONST may be any constant expression, and may also refer to constants defined via define-constant previously, but it must be possible to evaluate the expression at compile-time.


[syntax] (define-inline (NAME VAR ...) BODY ...)
[syntax] (define-inline (NAME VAR ... . VAR) BODY ...)
[syntax] (define-inline NAME EXP)

Defines an inline procedure. Any occurrence of NAME will be replaced by EXP or (lambda (VAR ... [. VAR]) BODY ...). This is similar to a macro, but variable names and scope are handled correctly.

Inline substitutions take place after macro-expansion, and any reference to NAME should appear textually after its definition. Inline procedures are local to the current compilation unit and are not available outside of the source file in which they are defined. Names of inline procedures still exist in the Scheme namespace and can be lexically shadowed. Inline definitions should only appear at the toplevel.

Note that the inline-limit compiler option does not affect inline procedure expansion, and self-referential inline procedures may cause the compiler to enter an infinite loop.

In the third form, EXP must be a lambda expression.

This construct is equivalent to define when evaluated or interpreted.

Conditional forms


[syntax] (unless TEST EXP1 EXP2 ...)

Equivalent to:

(if (not TEST) (begin EXP1 EXP2 ...))


[syntax] (when TEST EXP1 EXP2 ...)

Equivalent to:

(if TEST (begin EXP1 EXP2 ...))

Record structures


[syntax] (define-record NAME SLOTNAME ...)

Defines a record type. This defines a number of procedures for creating, accessing, and modifying record members.

Call make-NAME to create an instance of the structure (with one initialization-argument for each slot, in the listed order).

(NAME? STRUCT) tests any object for being an instance of this structure.

Slots are accessed via (NAME-SLOTNAME STRUCT) and updated using (NAME-SLOTNAME-set! STRUCT VALUE).

(define-record point x y)
(define p1 (make-point 123 456))
(point? p1)                      ==> #t
(point-x p1)                     ==> 123
(point-y-set! p1 99)
(point-y p1)                     ==> 99
SRFI-17 setters

SLOTNAME may alternatively also be of the form

 (setter SLOTNAME)

In this case the slot can be read with (NAME-SLOTNAME STRUCT) as usual, and modified with (set! (NAME-SLOTNAME STRUCT) VALUE) (the slot-accessor has an associated SRFI-17 "setter" procedure) instead of the usual (NAME-SLOTNAME-set! STRUCT VALUE).

(define-record point (setter x) (setter y))
(define p1 (make-point 123 456))
(point? p1)                      ==> #t
(point-x p1)                     ==> 123
(set! (point-y p1) 99)
(point-y p1)                     ==> 99


[syntax] (define-record-type NAME (CONSTRUCTOR TAG ...) PREDICATE (FIELD ACCESSOR [MODIFIER]) ...)

SRFI-9 record types. For more information see the documentation for SRFI-9.

As an extension the MODIFIER may have the form (setter PROCEDURE), which will define a SRFI-17 setter-procedure for the given PROCEDURE that sets the field value. Usually PROCEDURE has the same name is ACCESSOR (but it doesn't have to).

This special form is also compatible with the definition from the R7RS (scheme base) library.


[procedure] (record-printer NAME)

Returns the procedure used to print records of the type NAME if one has been set with set-record-printer!, #f otherwise.


[procedure] (set-record-printer! NAME PROCEDURE)
[procedure] (set! (record-printer NAME) PROCEDURE)

Defines a printing method for record of the type NAME by associating a procedure with the record type. When a record of this type is written using display, write or print, then the procedure is called with two arguments: the record to be printed and an output-port.

(define-record-type foo (make-foo x y z) foo?
  (x foo-x)
  (y foo-y)
  (z foo-z))
(define f (make-foo 1 2 3))
(set-record-printer! foo
  (lambda (x out)
    (fprintf out "#,(foo ~S ~S ~S)"
             (foo-x x) (foo-y x) (foo-z x))))
(define-reader-ctor 'foo make-foo)
(define s (with-output-to-string
              (lambda () (write f))))
s                                   ==> "#,(foo 1 2 3)"
(equal? f (with-input-from-string
              s read)))             ==> #t

Other forms


[procedure] (load filename [evalproc])

Filename should be a string naming an existing file containing Scheme source code. The load procedure reads expressions and definitions from the file and evaluates them sequentially. It is unspecified whether the results of the expressions are printed. The load procedure does not affect the values returned by current-input-port and current-output-port. Load returns an unspecified value.

CHICKEN offers a few extensions to the R7RS definition of load:

Example for loading compiled programs:

% cat x.scm
(define (hello) (print "Hello!"))
% csc -s x.scm
% csi -q
#;1> (load "x.so")
; loading x.so ...
#;2> (hello)

There are some limitations and caveats to the CHICKEN extensions you need to be aware of:


[syntax] (include STRING1 STRING2 ...)
[syntax] (include-ci STRING1 STRING2 ...)

Include toplevel-expressions from the given source files in the currently compiled/interpreted program. If the included file has the extension .scm, then it may be omitted. The file is searched for in the current directory and all directories specified by the -include-path option.

include-ci works as include but reads files in case-insensitive mode.


[syntax] (include-relative STRING)

Works like include, but the filename is searched for relative to the including file rather than the current directory.

Making extra libraries and extensions available


[syntax] (require-extension ID ...)

This is equivalent to (require-library ID ...) but performs an implicit import, if necessary. Since version 4.4.0, ID may also be an import specification (using rename, only, except or prefix).

To make long matters short - just use require-extension and it will normally figure everything out for dynamically loadable extensions and core library units.

This implementation of require-extension is compliant with SRFI-55 (see the SRFI-55 document for more information).


[syntax] (require-library ID ...)

This form does all the necessary steps to make the libraries or extensions given in ID ... available. It loads syntactic extensions, if needed and generates code for loading/linking with core library modules or separately installed extensions.

During interpretation/evaluation require-library performs one of the following:

During compilation, one of the following happens instead:

ID should be a pure extension name and should not contain any path prefixes (for example dir/lib... is illegal).

ID may also be a list that designates an extension-specifier. Currently the following extension specifiers are defined:

Process shutdown


[procedure] (emergency-exit [CODE])

Exits the current process without flushing any buffered output (using the C function _exit). Note that the exit-handler is not called when this procedure is invoked. The optional exit status code CODE defaults to 0.


[procedure] (exit [CODE])

Exit the running process and return exit-code, which defaults to 0 (Invokes exit-handler).

Note that pending dynamic-wind thunks are not invoked when exiting your program in this way.


[parameter] (exit-handler)

A procedure of a single optional argument. When exit is called, then this procedure will be invoked with the exit-code as argument. The default behavior is to terminate the program.

Note that this handler is not invoked when emergency-exit is used.


[parameter] (implicit-exit-handler)

A procedure of no arguments. When the last toplevel expression of the program has executed, then the value of this parameter is called. The default behaviour is to invoke all pending finalizers.


[procedure] (on-exit THUNK)

Schedules the zero-argument procedures THUNK to be executed before the process exits, either explicitly via exit or implicitly after execution of the last top-level form. Note that finalizers for unreferenced finalized data are run before exit procedures.

System interface


[procedure] (sleep SECONDS)

Puts the program to sleep for SECONDS. If the scheduler is loaded (for example when srfi-18 is in use) then only the calling thread is put to sleep and other threads may continue executing. Otherwise, the whole process is put to sleep.

File Input/Output


[procedure] (flush-output [PORT])

Write buffered output to the given output-port. PORT defaults to the value of (current-output-port).

Port predicates


[procedure] (port-closed? PORT)

Is the given PORT closed (in all directions)?

Built-in parameters

Certain behavior of the interpreter and compiled programs can be customized via the following built-in parameters:


[parameter] (case-sensitive)

If true, then read reads symbols and identifiers in case-sensitive mode and uppercase characters in symbols are printed escaped. Defaults to #t.


[parameter] (keyword-style)

Enables alternative keyword syntax, where STYLE may be either #:prefix (as in Common Lisp), which recognizes symbols beginning with a colon as keywords, or #:suffix (as in DSSSL), which recognizes symbols ending with a colon as keywords. Any other value disables the alternative syntaxes. In the interpreter the default is #:suffix.


[parameter] (parentheses-synonyms)

If true, then the list delimiter synonyms #\[ #\] and #\{ #\} are enabled. Defaults to #t.


[parameter] (symbol-escape)

If true, then the symbol escape #\| #\| is allowed when reading and printing expressions. Defaults to #t.

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